Bond-Ace G88 - DAITTI.COM
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Bond-Ace G88

Bond-Ace G88

Bond-ACE G88 is a special formulated homopolymer agent. It has a special plasticiser agent added for improving bonding strength of various subtrates suitable for all cementitious products.

Bond-Ace G88 can be used for interior and exterior. Concrete structures, renders and all cementitious products. To new and old cement plastered surfaces. To cemboard, wood, metal, ceramic/porcelain tiles, concrete, brick and marble surfaces. Tile to tile: marble to marble or granite to granite… etc.


Bondplus is a powder from additives designed to enhance the adhesion strength of normal OPC mortar / grout. Bondplus has high water retention function that prologed cement curing process that enhances the adhesion strength and provides best workability of the cement mortar / grout. Bondplus is adourless, non-toxic and easy to use.

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